
Galleria Shopping Mall  is located in Karen, Nairobi at the junction of Magadi and Langata road.

Grab a cab to Galleria

Open your Uber, Bolt or Little Cab app and input the destination as Galleria Mall, Karen (You can click the button below to copy the full name).

Directions to Galleria via bus or matatu

From Town/Langata

Take a bus or matatu route 24 to Karen or 125/126 to Rongai/Kiserian. Ask to alight at Galleria, Matatus to Rongai and Kiserian will drop you next to the Magadi Road entrance and the ones to Karen will drop you at the Langata road entrance.

From Karen

Take a bus or matatu route 24 to town, ask to alight at Galleria. You will be dropped at the Langata road entrance.

From Rongai/Kiserian

Take a bus or matatu route 125/126 to town. Ask to alight at Galleria. You will be dropped off near the Magadi Road entrance.

From Ngong
24111 24111

Take a bus or matatu from Ngong to Town. Alight at Karen. Across Karen Crossroads, there is stage, take a bus route 24 to town or Bomas. Ask to alight at Galleria, you will be dropped off near the Langata road entrance.